Friday, 18 December 2009

White noise's USP !

Generally I have found that teenagers and young adults these days, usually spend their money on games consoles, new mp3 players, new phones etc. My reader isn't going to want to wear the most fancy clothes or have the “hippest” new pair of shoes, they want to just enjoy their music with no worries about the future. Thus they are more likely to spend their money on their favourite music, whenever a new album comes out from their favourite band, they have to have it. They are more likely to spend their money on gigs to see bands, old and new. These people who will buy this magazine play their music loud, loud and proud !

Sketches, mood boards AND a reader profile

Friday, 20 November 2009

Thursday, 19 November 2009

There is a link in the title if you still cannot see the text within.

Friday, 13 November 2009

Tuesday, 3 November 2009

This, was done very quickly. Just a simple and general plan of what i wanted to achieve for my contents page.

I made some initial sketches in paint because it saves time rather than having to draw them out by hand then scan them in. Originally, I only wanted a hand holding the phone, but i was informed that it should be a medium close up. I changed that, and also made the phone bigger, giving it more presence on the page. I stuck to the left hand side through out on all three because that is the edge where you are most likely to see when you are in a magazine store. I continued the rough lettering in the title through into the real thing.

Here is my front cover for my college magazine. I went for the technology literate audience with it, by including content such as Facebook, but i also kept it appropriate to students. I started of with just the main image (of Georgie), i made two layers include the same picture and put the one on top in black and white. I went on to rub out the top image to leave the figure in colour so it stands out more. The phone in the picture originally had a blank screen, so i super imposed the Facebook image on top of it. The horizontal bars going across the page were made by playing around with the hue and saturation of a plain block of colour. I have used the same font and colour scheme the whole way through to give the magazine some continuity, like a house theme. If i had the chance to work on this a bit more, i would add a date, issue number and price above the bar code, infact i only just realised that they were missing a second ago!
My contents page. I used the same horizontal bars, same font, same colour scheme. For continuity. Again, the content is generally college/technology related, i found it hard to think of stuff to put in it though, because its a very specialised magazine. But, to get around this i made the typeface bigger and more spaced out. I changed the hue of the pictures to match the gritty scratchy feel i had going on with the font, these pics wern't taken with any real thought, thus they look out of place. Next time i will make sure that the photo's are more relevant to the content listings!

Friday, 2 October 2009

Here is my CD front cover. To start with i was a complete photo shop novice, i was useless, but after a few simple hints and tips i was away! I used a picture of the inside of a concrete tube which gives it a grimy, punk feel. The clouds at the end of the tunnel are the correct colour to contrast with the rest of the cover. I am proud of what i have managed to do within the time!
This is my back cover, we have the track listings coming diagonally down the page which goes against the conventional "down the left hand side". This goes to show that "The Discordant" are very alternative, being a industrial/punk/metal band, what would you expect? I used a pile of dirt and the side of a grungy skip to further exaggerate the grimy feel. To be honest, i think i could of done a better job with the edging effect on the rings on both covers if i had perhaps more time and photo shop knowledge.